mongodb collection to save points
mongo collection to save polygons
db-scan algorithm parameters to search points in radius
need to initialize collection while start
need to merge class if find more than one class in searchRadius
is update polygon automatically while inserted an point
other indexes to set as Map: field name -> index type
Insert one point into collection
Insert one point into collection
point to insert
other field add to point
other indexes to set as Map: field name -> index type
Generate polygon of some class
Generate polygon of some class
class id
need to merge class if find more than one class in searchRadius
need to initialize collection while start
mongodb collection to save points
mongo collection to save polygons
Regenerate all polygons
Delete polygon of some class
Delete polygon of some class
class id
db-scan algorithm parameters to search points in radius
is update polygon automatically while inserted an point
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.