Define a add group
Which can get angle between this to T (use rad as unit) Commonly, we use classOf[this] as T for symmetry
Which can get angle between this to T (use rad as unit) Commonly, we use classOf[this] as T for symmetry
Type of the object to compare
Distance between type T and this
Distance between type T and this
type of the object to compare
Distance between type T and this
Distance between type T and this
type of the object to compare
Object which can convert to GeoJSON, for more details, see:
For Chinese only 注意转换后坐标的逆转换在一些国家和地区是违法的 我愿意对自己的代码承担风险 但是该逆转方法也不能保证全局都能做到无误差,也不保证所有的逆向方法都有效 因为部分加密方法存在一定的信息损失,这些损失不一定能恢复 在生效区域全局都是单射单变量复函数的加密方法在本函数面前都是渣渣 如果坐标形式和经纬度差距太大可以采用线性回归变为近似线性以后再利用本方法
For Chinese only 注意转换后坐标的逆转换在一些国家和地区是违法的 我愿意对自己的代码承担风险 但是该逆转方法也不能保证全局都能做到无误差,也不保证所有的逆向方法都有效 因为部分加密方法存在一定的信息损失,这些损失不一定能恢复 在生效区域全局都是单射单变量复函数的加密方法在本函数面前都是渣渣 如果坐标形式和经纬度差距太大可以采用线性回归变为近似线性以后再利用本方法
element type
Which class can get an indexed hash the index code should be unique to avoid duplication in Set or other data structures
Which class can get an indexed hash the index code should be unique to avoid duplication in Set or other data structures
should have a great randomly hashCode, recommend use Long, Int, avoid using String or Double
to pack a value with some type you can make a collection with type _<:IValue[T] and getValue as T foreach
to pack a value with some type you can make a collection with type _<:IValue[T] and getValue as T foreach
value type
This vector is not same in Scala's scala.collection.immutable.Vector
it means a point in N-dimensional Euclid space
Which can get inner product to another object by given type T
Which can get inner product to another object by given type T
Type of the object to compare
Object which can get jaccard similarity and distance
Object which can get jaccard similarity and distance
Type to compare with
Commonly used in IVector3 V1×V2->V3 The common define is
Commonly used in IVector3 V1×V2->V3 The common define is
See Outer Product for more details
type to get TO
result type
Define a monoid which has product operation
Define a monoid which has product operation
Type of self extends this
Common utils of generating GeoJSON object
Define a add group
element type