The length of line should over 1 meter in current accuracy of GPS sensors
The length of line should over 1 meter in current accuracy of GPS sensors
is this line valid
Get distance from this to point or point to this (should be same)
Get distance from this to point or point to this (should be same)
geo point
get two points of the line
Get inversed matrix of {v1,v2,n} which can do decomposition of any vector
Get the distance of start point to end point as length of the line
Get the distance of start point to end point as length of the line
length of the line in kilometer
normal vector of two vectors for each vector, is the O->point on sphere in R3
Get scala original JSON object, JSON object deprecated in Scala 2.12 but still using in 2.10
Get scala original JSON object, JSON object deprecated in Scala 2.12 but still using in 2.10
Alias of geoTo
Alias of geoTo
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
Create a GeoLine object
Type of GeoPoint