Get the direction from this to target point in unit of Degree
Get the direction from this to target point in unit of Degree
North: 0/360 East: 90 South: 180 West: 270
target point
Get distance from this to point or point to this (should be same)
Get distance from this to point or point to this (should be same)
geo point
Get latitude recommended in WGS84 format
Get longitude recommended in WGS84 format
Get scala original JSON object, JSON object deprecated in Scala 2.12 but still using in 2.10
Get scala original JSON object, JSON object deprecated in Scala 2.12 but still using in 2.10
Get Mercator projection potision as vector2
Get Mercator projection potision as vector2
Get vector3 in R3 on 2d sphere
Get vector3 in R3 on 2d sphere
Verify is latitude value is legal
Verify is latitude value is legal
verify failed
Verify is longitude value is legal
Verify is longitude value is legal
verify failed
Verify is latitude & longitude values are legal
Verify is latitude & longitude values are legal
verify failed
Alias of geoTo
Alias of geoTo
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
Mutable implementation of IGeoPoint
**Attention**: Avoid using mutable point in algorithms because it may break precomputed data